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SOPHyE team

Separation, Oxidation, and Hybrid Processes for the Environment

Process Engineering and Sustainability Science

At the cross of process engineering and sustainability science, the research work of the team is based on the scientific skills of its members in separation and oxidation processes, environmental assessment and process eco-design, and has the following objectives:

  1. the development of knowledge of local phenomena at interfaces involved in membrane separation, chromatography and ozonation of complex fluids.
  2. the development of separation processes, reactions, hybrid or coupled processes, and processes that meet the environmental and sanitary challenges in the field of water and biomass valorization.
  3. the development of optimization and environmental analysis tools for unit operations, processes, and value chains in the field of water and bioeconomy.

To do this, we use experimental and modelling approaches at the most appropriate scale, to solve scientific problems and thus respond to environmental and societal issues. 

Fields of application

Circular economy of water

Water-energy nexus

Preservation of water resources


The team's topics


International academics: DTU, LIST Luxembourg, UNICAL Italie, Aarhus U, ITC Cambodge, UTM Equateur, USTH Vietnam

Industrials: VEOLIA, GRDF, Polymem, Ovalie Innovation, SAUR, SunWaterLife

The team is a member of GIS EAU, AquaValley, IAR, Agri sud-ouest innovation

  • Gina ALFONSO. Conception et optimisation d’un système intégrant distillation membranaire et énergie solaire pour le dessalement d’eau superficielle. 
  • Christhel ANDRADE. The sustainable role of agricultural residues in future bioeconomy strategies and its dependency upon carbon returns to arable soils. Co-tutelle Equateur. 
  • Lucie CASTAGNET. Procédés membranaires assistés par énergie solaire pour le dessalement : approche expérimentale de la conception d’un module fibres creuses intégré. 
  • Marie CERTIAT. Modélisation des interactions intermoléculaires dans des milieux complexes issus de la biomasse verte en vue du développement de procédés de filtration membranaire innovants pour l’obtention de biomolécules d’intérêt. 
  • Ugo JAVOUREZ. Procédés de transformations de la biomasse résiduelle en aliments – pertinence environnementale et perspectives d’intégration dans la stratégie de bioéconomie Française. 
  • Ryma LAIFA. écoconception d’une filière de production de microalgues et cyanobactéries.
  • Seunghye LEE. Methodological advances in prospective LCA to establish sustainable bioeconomy strategies.
  • Gleeza MANULAT Advances in Life Cycle Assessment Methodology to capture the full environmental impacts of integrating new ingredients in animal compound feed in the context of emerging circular bioeconomy- focus on animal production, performance and product safety. 
  • Ermias MIDESKA ARARSA. Nouveaux supports poreux pour limiter la communication bactérienne intervenant dans les bioréacteurs à membrane utilisés pour la réutilisation des eaux usées traitées. 
  • Sivchheng PHAL. New insights into Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) removal from waters. Co-tutelle ITC Cambodge. 
  • Zhou SHEN. Simultaneous carbon storage in marginal lands and anthropogenic products through biopumps: potential to induce negative emissions and environmental mitigation. 
  • Pimchanok Su-ungkavatin. Environmental performance of Sustainable Energy Sourcing for Aviation (SESA): Biofuels, Electrofuels, Electric (Battery), or Hydrogen ?
  • Solomon TELA. Valorisation des protéines végétales par procédés membranaires : rôle des interactions protéines – Polyphénol – Matériau. 
  • Tianyi ZHANG. Distillation membranaire  pour le dessalement et la valorisation de sels : étude de l’influence des propriétés des membranes et des conditions de cristallisation sur le mouillage et sa dynamique.