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For a functional understanding of cellular metabolism

Created in 2007, with the emergence of the MetaToul platform, the MetaToul-FluxoMet platform provides researchers with a wide range of cutting-edge tools in metabolomics and fluxomics for the study of metabolism. Unique expertise in France and in the academic field, this platform relies on the development and use of high-performance tools such as: high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), robotics or bioinformatics.

Labeled ISC INRAE and a founding member of the National Metabolomics and Fluxomics Infrastructure MetaboHUB (IR INRAE), its expertise in the analysis of metabolic fluxes is internationally recognized, and a team of 11 people works daily to carry out the platform's projects.

logo Metatoul




Co-responsables de la plateforme

Expertises & Skills

An unique expertise in metabolic flow analysis

Metabolomics and fluxomics are recent "omics" techniques that are placed at a level of scale as close as possible to cellular phenotypes. With a unique expertise and transversal competences (metabolism, biochemistry, anlytic chemistry, bioinformatics), the platform implements the development and application of complementary NMR and HRMS methods for the analysis of metabolic networks. Quantitative metabolic profiling, identification of metabolic pathways by isotopic labelling (13C-Metabolomics), measurement of metabolic fluxes (13C-Fluxomics) and modelling of metabolic systems (flux calculation, etc.) are all know-how that the platform makes available to the scientific community in a wide range of application areas such as biotechnology (green or red), systems biology and synthetic biology or health.13C-Métabolomique), la mesure des flux métaboliques (13C-Fluxomique) et la modélisation des systèmes métaboliques (calcul des flux, etc.) sont autant de savoir-faire que la plateforme met à disposition de la communauté scientifique dans des domaines d’application très variés comme la biotechnologie (verte ou rouge), la biologie des systèmes et biologie synthétique ou la santé.

Service offer

The MetaToul-FluxoMet platform's service offer is accessible to the entire academic and private research community. A unique project request portal is available to contact the platform. After the assignment of a unique project number, a contact will be made to discuss your needs.

According to the contours and specificities of your project, several access modalities can be considered:

  • Scientific and technical expertise
  • The provision of scientific instruments
  • From the service provision
  • Collaborative research


The MetaToul-FluxoMet platform is ISO 9001-2016 and NFX 50-900 certified.

Qualite Pict ICEO

Carte de Flux symbolisant un réseau métabolique

MetaToul-FluxoMet platform is a member of the networks

  • MetaboHUB
  • TWB
  • Canceropôle GSO
  • ANR METABOHUB 1.0 (2013-2019)
  • ANR METABOHUB 2.0 (2021-2025)
  • CPER 2015-2021
  • EQUIPEX MetEx+ (2022-2025)
  • BPI METAPATH (2020-2026)