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Mathematics cell

A unit dedicated to the

Mathematical modeling

TBI's Mathematics Unit focuses on the mathematical modeling of biochemical and microbial systems.

Sergueï SOKOL

Cell leader

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Mathematical modeling biochemical and microbial systems (bacterial metabolism, microbial growth, enzymatic cocktails, isotopic labelling simulation to estimate metabolic fluxes (13C-fluxomique)

Estimation of parameters

Offers / technologies / tools

  • Translation of biological models into mathematical models/software
  • (Co-)development of scientific software (R, Python, C++, ...)
  • (Co-)writing articles with a mathematical component

Team METASYS (TBI), Team SYMBIOSE (TBI), METATOUL, Metabohub, University of Pennsylvania...

G3MClass : classification avancée de biomarqueurs

DynaFluxR : de mesures cinétiques de métabolites vers des vitesses de réactions sans modèle de régulation

Influx2020 : nouveaux formats, nouvelle ergonomie, nouvelles capacités dans la fluxomique par marquage.