analysis platform
Physico-chemical analysis
A common equipment platform
The physico-chemical analysis platform is a common structure of TBI which provides users with various devices after training.
Ce plateau regroupe des appareils d’analyses classiques comme un spectrophotomètre UV Visible double faisceau, un pHmètre, un conductimètre, un turbidimètre et une balance dessicatrice mais aussi des appareils plus sophistiqués comme deux granulomètres laser et un nanosizer. Il héberge également d’autres appareils qui sont sous la responsabilité de Luc Fillaudeau comme un morpho granulomètre (morpho 3G), un rhéomètre et un turbiscan.
Nathalie CLERGERIE &
Aurore DIDI
Platform leaders
With the participation of Colette Krasicki and Luc Fillaudeau
Competences & Services
The platform specialized in the characterization of samples
- The physico-chemical analysis platform is specialized in the characterization of samples.
- Our instruments can measure the size of particles in suspension in a range from 0.6nm to 2mm, particles in the form of powders from 0.1 µm to 3.5mm (nanosizer and laser granulometer).
- The morpho granulometer is a tool to characterize the size and shape (via image analysis) of particles ranging from 0.5µm to several mm.
- The nanosizer also allows to quantify the Zeta potential of suspensions.
- The Turbiscan allows the identification and monitoring of destabilization phenomena in complex systems.
- The rheometer performs measurements related to the rheology of a fluid; it allows to study the deformation and flow properties of a liquid, a suspension or a paste in response to an applied force.
Service offer
The platform offers only the provision of equipment once the user is trained.
The platform is certified ISO 9001:2015 since June 2016.