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Defense of thesis Léa Laguillaumie

Léa Laguillaumie

PhD defense on the 9th of september 2022 at 9:30 am in room 400/401 of Toulouse Biotechnology Institute


Study of the competition between homoacetogens and hydrogenotrophic methanogens in anaerobic mixed cultures for acetate production from H2/CO2: an experimental and modeling approach.”

  • Jury composition:
  • Mr. Théodore BOUCHEZ, Directeur de recherche INRAE, PROSE, France – Reviewer
  • Mr. Ramon GANIGUE, Professor Ghent university, Belgium – Reviewer
  • Mr. Mohammad TAHERZADEH, Professor Borås university – Reviewer
  • Mrs. Hariklia GAVALA, Associate professor DTU, Denmark – Examiner
  • Mr. Nicolas ROCHE, Directeur de recherche CEREGE, France – Examiner
  • Mr. Jean-Philippe DELGENES, Directeur de recherche INRAE, LBE, France – Examiner
  • Mr. Etienne PAUL, Professeur INSA, TBI, France – PhD Supervisor 
  • Mrs. Claire DUMAS, Chargée de recherche INRAE, TBI, France – PhD Co-supervisor
  • Mr. Matthieu Peyre-Lavigne, Ingénieur de recherche, CRITT GPTE, France – Invited

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