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Photo Pierre MILLARD


Researcher in Metabolic Systems Biology

Actual position and research subject

My research works aim at a better understanding of the organization, functioning and regulation of natural and synthetic metabolic systems at the cellular level, by using a Systems biology approach. This strategy combines experimental (growth phenotyping, metabolomics, 13C-metabolic flux analysis, etc) and computational (stoichiometric and kinetic modeling, statistics, etc) tools. In particular, I develop, validate and exploit explicative and predictive models, which integrate a broad range of functional data (stoichiometry, thermodynamics, metabolite pools, enzyme activities and kinetics, metabolic fluxes, isotopic measurements, etc) to investigate the control and regulation of metabolic fluxes. I then use this knowledge to understand the role of metabolism in the adaptation of Escherichia coli to its environment, and to design robust and efficient strains as cell factories for innovative and original biotechnological applications.

Education and Diploma


  • Master Structural and Functional Biochemistry, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
  • Master EUR BioEco, INSA Toulouse, France
  • Master Functional genomics, INSA Toulouse, France


  • Supervised or co-supervised: 1 PhD students, 1 Post-doct, 1 Engineer, 4 Master students
  • Stays as a visiting scientist: Manchester Center for Integrative Systems Biology (2013-2014, Manchester, UK)

List of selected publications

  • Millard P., Enjalbert B., Uttenweiler-Joseph S., Portais J.C., Létisse F. (2021). Control and regulation of acetate overflow in Escherichia coli. eLife. doi: 10.7554/eLife.63661
  • Millard P., Sokol S., Kohlstedt M., Wittmann C., Letisse F., Lippens G. Portais J.C. (2021). IsoSolve: an integrative framework to improve isotopic coverage and consolidate isotopic measurements by MS and/or NMR. Analytical chemistry 93, 27, 9428–9436. doi: 10.1101/2021.03.08.430771
  • Cox N., Millard P., Charlier C., Lippens G. (2021). Improved NMR detection of phospho-metabolites in a complex mixture. Analytical chemistry, 93, 11, 4818– 4824. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c04056
  • Heuillet, M., Millard, P., Cissé, M. Y., Linares, L. K., Létisse, F., Manié, S., Le Cam, L., Portais, J.-C., & Bellvert, F. (2020). Simultaneous Measurement of Metabolite Concentration and Isotope Incorporation by Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 92(8), 5890‑5896. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b05709
  • Millard, P., Schmitt, U., Kiefer, P., Vorholt, J. A., Heux, S., & Portais, J.-C. (2020). ScalaFlux : A scalable approach to quantify fluxes in metabolic subnetworks. PLoS Computational Biology, 16(4). doi: 10.1101/735308
  • Castano-Cerezo, S., Kulyk-Barbier, H., Millard, P., Portais, J.C., Heux, S., Truan, G., Bellvert, F. (2019). Functional analysis of isoprenoid precursors biosynthesis by quantitative metabolomics and isotopologue profiling. Metabolomics. doi: 10.1007/s11306-019-1580-8
  • Millard, P., Delepine, B., Guionnet, M., Heuillet, M., Bellvert, F. and Letisse, F. (2019). IsoCor: isotope correction for high-resolution MS labeling experiments. Bioinformatics. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz209
  • Peiro, P., Millard, P., de Simone, A., Cahoreau, E., Peyriga, L., Enjalbert, B. and Heux, S. (2019). Chemical and metabolic controls on dihydroxyacetone metabolism lead to a suboptimal growth of E. coli. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00768-19
  • Heuillet, M., Bellvert, F., Cahoreau, E., Letisse, F., Millard, P. and Portais, J. C. (2018). Methodology for the validation of isotopic analyses by mass spectrometry in stable-isotope labeling experiments.  90(3): 1852-1860. Analytical chemistry. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b03886