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Actual position and research subject

After a master’s degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Lorraine (Nancy) in 2005, and a PhD in 2008, Nicolas Dietrich joined INSA Toulouse in 2009 as an associate professor. He had conducted a series of studies devoted to the characterization and visualization of mass transfer around bubbles using fluorescence quenching and oxygen sensitive dyes. These studies have been supported by an ANR young scientist project (ANR MAMOTHS 2017), several French and international PhD funds with international universities (Germany, Morocco, Chile, China, Thailand & South Korea), and several company collaborations (Suez, Total, etc.) for more than 3 million euros, including 1 million euros as principal investigator over the last 5 years. He supervised 20 PhD students, 9 post-doc students and 34 Master students. He produced 65 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, given 91 conference communications and seminars and filed 6 patents. Since 2018, he has been the co-leader of the “multiphase flow” research group of the FERMaT Federation, which brings together 50 scientists and 30 PhD students in 9 laboratories from the Toulouse region, and since 2020 the co-leader of the “transfer-mixing-interface” research group of the Toulouse Biotechnology Institute (15 scientists and 15 PhD students).

Education and Diploma


My teaching activities cover transfer phenomena, fluid mechanics, unit operations for chemical engineering (distillation, extraction, absorption, etc.), industrial process architecture as well as an economic and societal approach to process engineering. Annual average over the last 5 years: 270 h/year TD equivalent:

– 3rd to 5th year in the INSA Toulouse engineering program – 20 hours of lectures, 50 hours of practical work, 60 hours of practical work, 40 hours of project work and 30 hours of teaching responsibilities. 

– M1/M2 Master of Science (in English) – 20 hours of classes, 20 hours of projects and 34 hours of teaching responsibilities.

Innovative pedagogies: 10 articles published in international pedagogical journals (gamification, distance learning, use of Augmented Reality, hybrid and distance learning, popularization), 4 conferences and various pedagogical project evaluation.



I am the (co)-author of 176 scientific communications:

– 65 Peer-reviewed journal articles & 7 French peer-reviewed journal articles

– 71 Presentations at international conferences & 20 invited Presentations

– 2 World patents, 4 French patent & 6 French proofs of priority for inventions

I supervised:

  • 15 PhD students in France
  • 5 PhD international PhD students hosted in the laboratory for collaborations:
  • 9 post-doctoral & research engineers
  • 34 Master of Science
  • 5 Technical staffs


Bibliometric indicators:

  • 2000 citations (Google Scholar, 2023),
  • H-index = 26 (Google Scholar, 2023)

“Open Access” rate for full text of publications = 100% (HAL – 2023).

List of selected publications

  • Estudante, A., & Dietrich, N. (2020). Using Augmented Reality to Stimulate Students and Diffuse Escape Game Activities to Larger Audiences. Journal of Chemical Education.
  • Kherbeche, A., Mei, M., Thoraval, M.-J., Hébrard, G., & Dietrich, N. (2020). Hydrodynamics and gas-liquid mass transfer around a confined sliding bubble. Chemical Engineering Journal, 386, 121461.
  • Monnot, M., Laborie, S., Hébrard, G., & Dietrich, N. (2020). New approaches to adapt escape game activities to large audience in Chemical Engineering: Numeric supports and students’ participation. Education for Chemical Engineers.
  • Xu, F., Hébrard, G., & Dietrich, N. (2020). Comparison of three different techniques for gas-liquid mass transfer visualization. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 150, 119261.
  • Canado, A., Tournois, M., Pages, M., Roustan, M., Remus-Borel, W., Dietrich, N., Violleau, F., & Hébrard, G. (2020). Sudden Decrease of the Dissolved Ozone Concentration in Sprays: A Mass Transfer Phenomenon? Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59(33), 14914–14924.
  • Dietrich, N., Kentheswaran, K., Ahmadi, A., Teychené, J., Bessière, Y., Alfenore, S., Laborie, S., Bastoul, D., Loubière, K., Guigui, C., Sperandio, M., Barna, L., Paul, E., Cabassud, C., Liné, A., & Hébrard, G. (2020). Attempts, Successes, and Failures of Distance Learning in the Time of COVID-19. Journal of Chemical Education.
  • Mei, M., Hébrard, G., Dietrich, N., & Loubière, K. (2020). Gas-liquid mass transfer around Taylor bubbles flowing in a long, in-plane, spiral-shaped milli-reactor. Chemical Engineering Science, 222, 115717.
  • Mei Mei, Felis, F., Hébrard, G., Dietrich, N., & Loubière, K. (2020). Hydrodynamics of Gas–Liquid Slug Flows in a Long In-Plane Spiral Shaped Milli-Reactor. Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 54(1), 25–47.
  • A.-L. Aymard, J. Teychené, S. Laborie, M. Bertrand, & N. Dietrich, Tournament Battle: Gamifying Bibliographic Research and Oral Argumentation Applied to Chemical Engineering Topics, J. Chem. Educ., vol. 98, no. 9, pp. 2937–2943, Sep. 2021,  
  • N. Dietrich, M. Jimenez, M. Souto, A. W. Harrison, C. Coudret, and E. Olmos, “Using Pop-Culture to Engage Students in the Classroom,” J. Chem. Educ., vol. 98, no. 3, pp. 896–906, Mar. 2021, doi:
  • G. Lebrun, F. Xu, C. Le Men, G. Hébrard, & N. Dietrich, “Gas–Liquid Mass Transfer around a Rising Bubble: Combined Effect of Rheology and Surfactant,” Fluids, vol. 6, no. 2, Art. no. 2, Feb. 2021, doi:
  • G. Lebrun, S. Benaissa, C. Le Men, V. Pimienta, G. Hébrard, & N. Dietrich, “Effect of surfactant lengths on gas-liquid oxygen mass transfer from a single rising bubble,” Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 247, p. 117102, Jan. 2022,
  • Dietrich, N.; Lebrun, G.; Kentheswaran, K.; Monnot, M.; Loulergue, P.; Franklin, C.; Teddé-Zambelli, F.; Djouadi, C.; Leveneur, S.; Tourbin, M.; Bessière, Y.; Coufort-Saudejaud, C.; Couvert, A.; Schaer, E. Rebalancing the Historical Female Underrepresentation in Education. J. Chem. Educ. 2022, 99 (6), 2298–2309.
  • Lebrun, G.; El Mokdad, B.; Le Men, C.; Pimienta, V.; Coudret, C.; Roux, C.; Hébrard, G.; Dietrich, N. Luminescent Probe Synthesis for Oxygen Visualization Technique: Application to the Effect of Surfactant Structure on Oxygen Mass Transfer. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2022, 260, 117921.
  • Canado, A.; Lemen, C.; Pages, M.; Violleau, F.; Dietrich, N.; Hébrard, G. Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Characterization in a Thin Shrinking Film at an Atomization Nozzle. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 2022, 189, 122672.
  • Mei, M.; Le Men, C.; Loubière, K.; Hébrard, G.; Dietrich, N. Taylor Bubble Formation and Flowing in a Straight Millimetric Channel with a Cross-Junction Inlet Geometry. Part I: Bubble Dynamics. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2022, 255, 117609.
  • Mei, M.; Le Men, C.; Loubière, K.; Hébrard, G.; Dietrich, N. Taylor Bubble Formation and Flowing in a Straight Millimetric Channel with a Cross-Junction Inlet Geometry Part II: Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2022, 117752
  • Wantz, E.; Benizri, D.; Dietrich, N.; Hébrard, G. Rate-Based Modeling Approach for High Pressure Water Scrubbing with Unsteady Gas Flowrate and Multicomponent Absorption Applied to Biogas Upgrading. Appl. Energy 2022, 312, 118754
  • Kalyani Kentheswaran, Nicolas Dietrich, Sébastien Tanguy & Benjamin Lalanne, Direct numerical simulation of gas-liquid mass transfer around a spherical contaminated bubble in the stagnant-cap regime, International Journal on Heat & Mass Transfer, 2022
  • Experimental Solid-Liquid Mass Transfer Around Free-Moving Particles In An Air-Lift Membrane Bioreactor With Optical Techniques, N. BOUAYED, C. LE MEN, J. TEYCHENE, C. LAFFORGUE, N. DIETRICH, C.H. LEE & C. GUIGUI, Fluids, 2022


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