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Newsletter #1

janvier 2023

Welcome on our first TBI newsletter

We are proud to start this new year by presenting you our very first newsletter. Now, let yourself be carried away, and discover our latest news.

Lorie Hamelin Christophe Danelon

Two Chairs at the Scientific Frontiers of TBI

In 2022, TBI has been awarded two Junior Professorships which allow it to recruit two scientists who have already demonstrated their ability to produce excellent research. The themes studied by these scientists show the richness and breadth of research conducted at the laboratory. Meet Lorie Hamelin, winner of the INRAE chair dedicated to supporting sustainable and intelligent transitions to tomorrow’s low-carbon (fossil) economies; and Christophe Danelon, winner of the INSA “synthetic cells” chair.

Some news and events

boite à gants

Research published in journal Nature Communication

What if we produced, by a biological and renewable way, molecules of interest that serve the chemical industry?

Students international competition

For the ninth time, the iGEM Toulouse team won a gold medal at the iGEM international synthetic biology competition.

Pioneering results, published in Nature Food

Solid fermentation of agri-food co-products: analysis of environmental benefits.

Workshop Franco-Thaï

French-Thaï Collaboration Workshop 2023

Bio & Chemical Engineering for Environmental Processes Conference
June 15 and 16, 2023

Cécile Formosa

Cécile Formosa, CNRS Bronze Medal 2022

specialized in the study of (bio)-interfaces and their interactions with their environment.

Upcoming thesis defences

A look at our upcoming events…

2022 highlighted publications

Pole Biocatalyse

Biocatalysis department

  • Chen, X., T, R., Esque, J. et al. Total enzymatic synthesis of cis-α-irone from a simple carbon source. Nat Commun 13, 7421 (2022).
  • Alexandra Tauzin, Zhi Wang, Gianluca Cioci, Xiaoqian Li, Aurore Labourel, et al.. Structural and Biochemical Characterization of a Nonbinding SusD-Like Protein Involved in Xylooligosaccharide Utilization by an Uncultured Human Gut Bacteroides Strain. MSphere, 2022,
Physiology and engineering of microbial metabolism department

Physiology and engineering of microbial metabolism department

  • Foulquier, C., Rivière, A., Heulot, M. et al. Molecular characterization of the missing electron pathways for butanol synthesis in Clostridium acetobutylicum. Nat Commun 13, 4691 (2022).
  • Valérie Laroute, Catherine Beaufrand, Pedro Gomes, Sébastien Nouaille, Valérie Tondereau, Marie-Line Daveran-Mingot, Vassilia Theodorou, Hélène Eutamene, Muriel Mercier-Bonin, Muriel Cocaign-Bousquet (2022) Lactococcus lactis NCDO2118 exerts visceral antinociceptive properties in rat via GABA production in the gastro-intestinal tract eLife 11:e77100.

Bioprocess and Microbial Engineering department

  • Léa Laguillaumie, Yan Rafrafi, Elisabeth Moya-Leclair, Delphine Delagnes, Simon Dubos, et al.. Stability of ex situ biological methanation of H2/CO2 with a mixed microbial culture in a pilot scale bubble column reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 354,
  • Boy, C., Lesage, J., Alfenore, S., Guillouet, S.E. and Gorret, N. (2022) Co-expression of an isopropanol synthetic operon and eGFP to monitor the robustness of Cupriavidus necator during isopropanol production. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 161, 110114.

Sustainable Process Engineering department

  • Lebrun, Gaëlle, Bilal El Mokdad, Claude Le Men, Véronique Pimienta, Christophe Coudret, Clément Roux, Gilles Hébrard, et Nicolas Dietrich. 2022. « Luminescent Probe Synthesis for Oxygen Visualization Technique: Application to the Effect of Surfactant Structure on Oxygen Mass Transfer ». Chemical Engineering Science 260 (octobre): 117921.
  • Shen Z., Hamelin L., Tiruta-Barna L., Converting carbon vulnerable lands to wood plantations for use as building materials: overall environmental performance and time-dependent assessment of carbon dioxide removals. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 136040,

Join us

Jobs, internships, theses… find all the offers of TBI

  • Post-doctoral position Microbial ecology & Microfluidics
  • New iGEM competition: PhD students wanted !
  • 18-month Post-doctoral position in Molecular Biology/Biochemistry/Enzyme engineering
  • Internship offer M2 Microbiological Engineering – Culture of photo-induced microorganisms: link between light induction and production performance
  • Internship offer M2 Process Engineering – Design and implementation of an optimized reactor for the culture of photo-induced microorganisms
  • Internship offer – Membrane degradation in WWTP: AFM evaluation of the evolution of adhesion forces between clogging agents and membrane surface

TBI – Toulouse Biotechnology Institue

135 Avenue de Rangueil, 31077, Toulouse Cedex 4

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