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Sandra Pizzut-Serin


Engineer INRAE

Actual position and research subject

I was recruited by INRAE in 2004 at the Toulouse Biotechnology Institute. I work on the ICEO platform (Engineering and Screening of Original Enzymes). I am the technical manager of two platforms, one dedicated to high-throughput enzymatic screening and the other dedicated to the characterisation of enzyme products.

I am in charge of a wide range of equipment, including a set of high-throughput automats, a double-emulsion microfluidic system, ten liquid and gas chromatography systems coupled with different types of detectors.

My scientific research focuses on the isolation and characterisation of new enzymatic activities from natural biodiversity via the screening of metagenomic/genomic libraries or libraries of variants obtained by rational or random engineering.

Several services are offered:

  • I provide training for users so that they can use the platform’s equipment independently. I advise and help them to choose and adapt their experimental protocols according to their research objectives, taking into account the technical possibilities offered by the platforms
  • I develop new screening methodologies and strategies in the framework of academic or industrial collaboration projects,
  • I carry out services for academic and industrial clients.

Education and Diploma


Contribution to research projects:

  • CarbUniVax, Synergie entre synthèse chimique et ingénierie d’enzymes pour le développement de vaccins glycoconjugués à large spectre. ANR, 15-CE07-001. 
  • MetaFluidics, Advanced toolbox for rapid and cost-effective functional metagenomic screening  – microbiology meets microfluidics. H2020, GA N° 685474.
  • PLaYa, Plateforme de clonage haut-débit chez Yarrowia lipolytica (Yarrowia lipolytica, high throughput Screening platform ; YALI-Screen) Appel à Projets de Ressourcement pour 2016 – Institut Carnot 3BCAR
  • Droopy, New analytical tool for screening polymer synthesis and degradation by droplet evaporation and coffee ring effect. Appel à projet pré-compétitif TWB
  • DECO, Evolution des enzymes d’un PUL xylanolytique pour la conception de cocktails enzymatiques innovants. ANR, 18-CE43-0005.
  • CultissimDrop, Droplet-microfluidics for Culturomics. Appel à projet pré-compétitif TWB

List of selected publications

  • BENKOULOUCHE M., BEN IMEDDOURENE A., BAREL L.-A., LE HEIGET G., PIZZUT S., KULYK H., BELLVERT F., BOZONNET S., MULARD L.A., REMAUD-SIMEON M., MOULIS C. ANDRE I. 2021. Redirecting substrate regioselectivity using engineered ΔN123-GBD-CD2 branching sucrases for the production of pentasaccharide repeating units of S. flexneri 3a, 4a and 4b haptens. Sci. Rep. 11 :2474 DOI : 10.1038/s41598-021-81719-1


  • UFARTE L, LAVILLE E., DUQUESNE S., MORGAVI D., ROBE P., KLOPP C., RIZZO A., PIZZUT-SERIN S., POTOCKI-VERONESE G. (2017). Discovery of carbamate degrading enzymes by functional metagenomics. PLOS One 12(12): e0189201. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0189201


  • UFARTE L., BOZONNET S., LAVILLE E., CECCHINI D.A., PIZZUT-SERIN S., JACQUIOD S., DEMANECHE S., SIMONET P., FRANQUEVILLE L., and POTOCKI-VERONESE G. (2016) Functional metagenomics construction and high-throughput screening of fosmid librairies for discovery of novel carbohydrate-active enzymes. Methods in Molecular Biology 1399:257-71


  • MALBERT Y., PIZZUT-SERIN S., MASSOU S., CAMBON E., LAGUERRE S., MONSAN P., LEFOULON F., MOREL S., ANDRE I., and REMAUD-SIMEON M. (2014) Extending the structural diversity of a-flavonoid glycosides with engineered glucansucrases. ChemCatChem. 6 (8), 2282-2291.


  • TASSE L., BERCOVICI J., PIZZUT-SERIN S., ROBE P., TAP J., KLOPP C., CANTAREL B., HENRISSAT B., COUTHINO P., LECLERC M., DORE J., MONSAN P., REMAUD-SIMEON M., POTOCKI-VERONESE G (2010). Functional metagenomics to mine the human gut microbiome for dietary fiber catabolic enzymes. Genome research. 20 (11):1605-12


  • PIZZUT-SERIN S., POTOCKI-VERONESE G., ALBENNE C., VAN DER VEEN B., MONSAN P., AND REMAUD-SIMEON M. (2005). Characterisation of a novel amylosucrase produced by Deinococcus radiodurans. FEBS Letters 579(6), 1405-1410